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turn into feelings

that turn into beliefs

that make up your self-concept

that run your life

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TEDx Speaker

ICF Certified Coach


Entrepreneur & Creator

Social Scientist

Travel Writer


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How Can You Create Your Best Life?

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  • I will help you:
    • Become aware of the way you think, the way you feel, the way you speak with others and yourself, and how that creates your perceived reality.
    • Understand and master your inner dialogue and create the life you want

  • Why Me?
    • In my service, I have worked with conventional forces and Special Forces in various roles that require mind management, self-leadership, and clear communication, sometimes under stressful circumstances and some degree of risk.
    • I have transformed my life by leaving a career and identity to learn and build a new one that aligns with my life goals.
    • In my personal life, I have traveled the world solo, jumped out of planes, scuba-dived with sharks, and a lot more.
    • I have learned that being scared is not the same as being dangerous
    • By learning to know and mastering your mind, you will be unstoppable.

Find Out More And Work With Me On The Power To Pivot

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What Is Coaching?

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First of all, a coach is NOT someone that offers direct guidance, advice or solutions!

The role of a coach is to present you with a range of questions, that can be thought provocing, to open the possibliity of seeing your challenges from different points of view.

When you are working with a coach, his or her job is to listen and understand the complexity of your situation, and how you are currently thinking around the situation that you are in.

The coach will challenge your mindset through curated questions designed to challenge your thinking habits, help you identify your limiting beliefs, false thruths, or mental obstacles that may hinder your from your way forward, and your growth.

A coach is normally not a subject matter expert in your field, but will work with you as a person, and your mentality, rather than with your profession or field of expertise.

The advantage of working with a coach, is that you will be challenged to find your own solutions to your situation, you will feel ownership to your conclusions, and you are the sole responsible person for your way forward and your development.

I have 17 years of experience, and am an ICF Certified Professional Life Coach.

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What Is A Mentor?

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A mentor is someone who knows a lot about the issue that you need help to solve, the field that you want to improve in, or the subject that you want to expand your knowledge about.

A mentor can give you advice, suggest methods, models, or solutions that you might benefit from implementing, and discuss your particular situation. A mentor will cooperate with you to find possible solutions to the issue that you are not happy with or wish to change or improve.

The mentor you need preferably should be more knowledgeable and experienced than you in the exact field that you want to excel in and able to challenge you to go beyond your comfort zone.

Take steps that will help you reach beyond your expectations and find your full potential and your purpose!

I will be your mentor in the field of communication, where I have worked for 17 years. My area of expertise is to help you identify your biases and self-awareness, and see your own role in the way your communication affects all areas of your life.

I will also help you identify your inner dialogue, challenge your current dogmas, and help you establish healthier inner talk and mindset if needed.

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Black Brush Stroke Scribble
  • 1-1 Transformational Coaching
    • Growth
    • Mindset
    • Communication
  • 1-1 Professional Mentor
  • Speaking At Events
  • Tailored Courses
  • Podcast Guest
  • Guest Writer
  • Work With Me
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What I Teach

  • What is communication?
  • our means to communicate
  • cognitive dissonance
  • filters: bias and preconceptions
  • what are triggers & how to spot them
  • providing safety in communication
  • where does our responsibility stop?
  • self-reflection & Boundaries
  • self-leadership
  • professional communication
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Why All Communication Is Internal

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What is it that makes communication with some people as easy as breathing, while with others, it feels like trying to push a rope uphill?

Why do you immediately like some people when you first meet them, while with others, you instantly get a sense of antipathy or a gut warning?

How is it that with some people, you can't ever get it right, no matter how (hard) you try?

Although speaking is one of the first things we learn in life, communication can still sometimes be a wormhole full of emotional, cultural, and personal traps that can be hard to find your way out of, whether at work or in your personal life.

Often the answer to what seems like external issues can be found in our inner dialogue and how we speak with ourselves about ourselves and others.

If you learn to identify and master your thoughts, you will be able to change your mindset, limiting beliefs, and self-concept.

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In 2020, Hege Jacobsen left her career in the army after more than 20 years of service to transform her life.

She started the journey to becoming a full-time traveler, writer, certified coach, mentor, course creator, and speaker.

In the army, she has had a variety of roles and more than 10 deployments overseas to conflict zones. Since 2007 she has mainly worked with Special Forces as an instructor, liaison, mentor, analyst, subject matter expert, and leader of personnel.

Hege has been teaching and living communication's "art and science" for almost two decades. What is it really, what makes it hard, when is it easy, and what are the most common pitfalls we meet in our relationships and communication with ourselves and others?

Hege is passionate about how being able to communicate clearly, respectfully, and responsibly is crucial, not only in a conflict but in our everyday life.

And now she has made her passion her job.

In addition to promoting the STAR approach to communication in her TEDx talk, she teaches The Power To Pivot as a coach and mentor, a system that will transform how you see your limits and abilities, set your goals, and make your way there.

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Black Brush Stroke Scribble


  • Master of Social Science, Nord University
  • International Politics, Cultural Understanding, and Conflict Studies
  • Bachelor of Social Science Nord University
  • Norwegian Officers Academy Krigsskolen
  • Norwegian Basic Officers School

Working experience

  • Norwegian Army
    • Mentor with Norwegian Special Forces Deployments
    • Leader Group Norwegian Special Forces Deployments
    • Liaison in International Operations
    • Tactical & Operational Leader of personnel
    • Instructor and teacher
    • Course creator
    • Analyst
    • Project Officer


  • ICF Certified Professional Life Coach
  • Thought Leader Accelerator Public Speaker Mentoring
  • Operative Psychology & Stress Management
  • Operational Analyst
  • Scale Your Travel Blog & SEO Expert
  • Magazine Journalism Writer – Vivian Songe
  • Photo for writers and journalists – Vibeke Montero
  • Morten Krogvold Art Photo Workshop 1&2